Some of the many people seeking palliative care services have treatable conditions. However, due to extreme poverty, lack of education and limited health services in the Busoga Region, many of our clients are not able to access the investigations and treatment they require. The result is that diseases which can actually be treated quite easily are left to develop the full course of disease - causing immense suffering for the person and for their family.
We believe that access to health care is a human right, and in 2019, RHHJ supported 110 patients to access treatment - this is 10% of the total patients enrolled in our programme in 2019.
This help is given according to need and could be anywhere from full support, including transport and upkeep while at Mulago Hospital to individual diagnostic tests, operations, chemotherapy and or radiotherapy.
The main diseases supported for treatment were: cervical cancer, Kaposi's Sarcoma, breast cancer, and lymphomas. The average support given for treatment was UGX 408,437 (USD 111/ € 100/ DKK 745).
december 2019
december 2019
jan 2017
jul 2017

oct 2017

dec 2019